International Day of Yoga – 2021
Theme: Yoga for Me
SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, Ujire and Shanthivana Nature cure Hospital, has started Free online Yoga session by experts on account of 7th International Day of Yoga . Sadhakas are requested to avail this opportunity by clicking any of the following links every day morning 6am to 7am till 21/6/2021,
To join by phone instead, dial (US) +1 520-800-2902 and enter this PIN: 367 571 911#
To join by phone instead, dial (US) +1 347-773-4895 and enter this PIN: 448 816 862#
Or open Meet and enter this code: raj-dwio-evb
Or open Meet and enter this code: ova-skvz-wbj
open Meet and enter this code: nzk-emmb-ykx
Or open Meet and enter this code: nqu-zhum-miv
Or open Meet and enter this code: ztb-jvqp-ohe
Phone: +1 314-833-7071 PIN: 803 276 089#
Phone: +1 970-703-4968 PIN: 877 180 817#
To join by phone instead, dial (US) +1 352-537-8971 and enter this PIN: 396 780 154#
To join by phone instead, dial (US) +1 786-540-4672 and enter this PIN: 822 364 271#
Or open Meet and enter this code: sfe-trsa-rcr
Or open Meet and enter this code: rwc-koep-rug
Or dial: (US) +1 316-500-7809 PIN: 968 461 135#
To join by phone instead, dial (US) +1 507-690-2114 and enter this PIN: 679 052 596#
Stay safe, stay healthy
Shanthivana, Dharmasthala:
1. Deluxe Cottages with in – built all treatments inside the Cottage.
2. General ward facility 60 beds with attached Treatment Section will start from February 2020.
Soukhyavana Pareeka, Udupi:
1. General wards
2. Special wards
3. Deluxe rooms
4. Cottages
5. Group accommodation facility for the corporate sector
Ancient Roots for the Modern fruits
We are opening Deluxe Cottages at Shantivana On 6th July, 2019 as additional Fragrance to Our renowned Centre. Interested persons wants to avail these facilities can do the registration through phone call from today to Shantivana Hospital, Dharmasthala Ph. No.9902116277/9483798277.
Note: Booking is available for 08 cottages from 06th of July, 2019
Theme: Lifestyle Intervention for Better You
Chief Patron Dr. D Veerendra Heggade
SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, Ujire is organized 2nd National Conference on Yoga and Naturopathy as lifestyle Medicine for Metabolic and lifestyle Diseases on March 15th and 16th, 2019
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